Dear Chiropractor,
My name is Evan Richards. I am the marketing behind EVOLOCITY – a custom internal, external and internet marketing company - and I am going to be brutally clear with you. ANY amount of money that it takes to hire a specialty marketing firm is a lot of money…but only if you don’t have it!
If you don’t have the initial outlay of practice-building capital to invest in your own business it tells me that more than likely there are other underlined issues which probably need to be addressed that I don’t necessarily want to take the time to deal with at this time - especially for such an affordable fee as I am currently asking in order for you to hire my staff and I.
However, I also wouldn’t be opposed to personally hearing from you to see what those issues are...especially if they could be easily resolved. My personal number is: (888) 514-3118 . Feel free to call me - I would love to hear from you regardless.
Before spending more time reading or viewing this material I would like to stop here for a brief moment and address (7) primary areas that may be of concern to you; Up-Selling, Marketing Specifics, Doctor Status, Personal/Professional Qualifications, Referrals, Expectations & Guarantee:
My nominal wage offer is not made with the intent to up-sell you in any soon foreseeable future and/or to ask for periodic raises. This is not a “Let’s-get-started-then-see-how-much-money-I-can-get-later” type of relationship. Simply put, if you like our work, then you’ll continue to retain us as you would any other valuable staff member.
If perchance in the very near future I should raise my desired wage amount, or provide other billable Products, Services or Information (PSI), your acceptance of such will be completely at your discretion and based upon how you value our skill and performance as part of your team. |
If in reviewing this webpage you are looking for specific marketing information, systems, samples and/or strategies that you hope to view, review, trigger marketing ideas, or otherwise use for free, I caution you that you will not/should not find that here.
Specific marketing is what we are hiring ourselves to you to provide. No part of this website is meant to; provide valuable information or services for free, give “do-it-their-selfers” a great marketing idea, nor to convince the die-hard skeptical, nor even to satisfy the curious.
Specifically speaking this webpage is simply provided to let you know “who” we are, “what” we are, that we understand the issues you deal with, and have solutions for most - if not all of them - and that we are able to bring a focused array of marketing know-how to the table. |
I am not a Doctor, and never intend to be such. However, if I were a Doctor and wanted to train you to do better at what you are doing marketing-wise then I would teach you what I know in that regard, i.e., I would teach you what worked for me in my successful (or perhaps, not so successful) practice. (Certainly you have heard of “those who can’t do – teach”? Well I am an all “do” kind of guy).
As you are well aware, from a marketing standpoint, what works for one Doctor in one area of the country may, or may not work for another.
The real value of our working together is that I am offering a fresh, new perspective to marketing—a 100% customized, adapted process to fit you specifically based upon what you are already doing—or not doing!
Simply put; fine-tuning, tweaking, tightening-up your internal and/or external marketing in order to potentially improve your current NP flow. |
We do not provide chiropractic client referrals as part of our “selling” strategy.
Now (hold on), this is not the one place where you should think/say, "ah-hah - I knew it sounded too good to be true" - and then use this as the excuse not to hire us?!
The fact of the matter is this:
I’ve done this before. The moment I give client referrals, several potentially very negative things happen;
First: I tie up my current clients to talk with every individual who responds to my marketing.
This includes; the serious few, and curious many - along with those that couldn't hire me (because of drastic financial problems) even if they wanted to, and those who will never hire me regardless of value (the do-it-selfer mentality - who just want to "pick the brains" of me and my current clients).
Also included are the numerous other marketing consultants & practice management companies whom the Chiropractor/Owner hands my marketing material off to (spies as I call them) who just want freebie information and to see what I am doing differently than what they are doing.
Also, I don’t hire, pay, or expect someone else to do my “sales/interviewing” job for me – especially not my client Doctors.
Quite frankly speaking, if I and my teams marketing and “interviewing” skills, along with what we are bringing to the table are not enough to pass the interview test and skills which your current staff had to pass, and provide – or if you don’t think we can bring in at least 2-3 more new patients per month than what you are already doing on your own…then don’t hire us. It’s just that simple.
And finally, in the final analysis, you and I both know through past experience that in fact, referrals really don’t mean a thing (except maybe a nice, warm fuzzy).
(How many times have you been excited enough about what someone else had to say about someone else’s program/product/service/information to buy it - only to find out it didn't work for you to the degree, or extent you wanted it too?)
If you really want true validation/verification of me and my abilities…read the rest of the material in this webpage…then call and talk with a member of my team personally...we can, and are willing to stand on our own two feet when it comes to marketing - rather than having to rely on someone, or something else to try to solidify our placement with you.
Think about it...the mere fact that you are reading this page is validation enough that my marketing works!
It is perhaps important to note that as a member of your marketing team we will not simply be looking at your marketing and telling you what we think is good, or not good.
In fact, what we will be doing is working with you as either; your Director of Marketing, or as an assistant to your marketing team to begin specifically creating a marketing “wheel”, or marketing pieces, systems and elements that can be used to generate more new patients each month than you are currently seeing.
Marketing campaigns will be customized to you personally regardless of your current level of marketing; internally or externally.
Also, regardless of your current marketing budget—or lack thereof—you will not be asked to spend thousands of dollars in “test” marketing in order to determine what will work in your area. Nor will you be asked to spend thousands of dollars in marketing costs in addition to my monthly licensing fee – unless of course you are already doing so – and want to get a better ROI than what you are currently experiencing.
Retaining our services will take into account your marketing goals; conservative, moderate or aggressive, and adapt those goals to accommodate your current financial situation when implementing new or enhanced marketing for new patients.
With that said, I do not have the much sought after "magic-wand" of marketing. Marketing is a tough gig. It takes time, skill, and effort to implement properly.
As an enhancement to your current staff, I certainly expect that we can show you real value right from the get-go and also be able to continue enhancing our value on an ongoing and continual basis |
Just like when you hired your current staff – there is no guarantee of success. This doesn’t mean that I/we can’t get results – it simply means that the results will vary from place to place and from facility to facility. I don’t know the answer to “when”, and “how much” – neither do you – and neither does anyone else…and if they tell you they do they are lying to you.
What I do know is that by hiring my team, you will stand a much better chance at consistent and increasing success – than if you don’t hire my team. It’s just that simple!
But…if you are the type of person that is really "stuck" on receiving a guaranteed investment - why not go buy yourself a life insurance policy - OK, just kidding!
In all seriousness, you and I both know that when it comes to chiropractic, there are many variables that are uncontrollable by us as the marketing team - all of which factor into the conversion process:
The way the incoming call is answered
- Your Front-Desk on the phone setting appointments
- Front Desk follow-up for “No-Shows”
- Facility location
- Parking accessibility
- Facility appearance externally/internally
- Front Desk appearance and attitude toward new patients
- New Patient wait time
- New Patient conversion process
- Report of Findings
- Doctor attitude
- Mind-sets & etc.
The fact of the matter is that it is one thing to generate a new lead, and quite another to convert that lead to an appointment, that appointment to a show, that show to a new patient and that new patient to stay, pay and refer.
Albeit that the scope of our expertise encompasses each of these areas - this kind of process takes time. If these types of issues exist, then obviously they will need to be addressed as well.
This is exactly why I we take your practice with a much more serious and longer term mindset than a “quick-fix” solution, or to just make a “quick buck” and move on. The goal here is to keep ourselves working in a permanent, ongoing, valuable relationship together.
Just to give you a quick peek into some of my own marketing philosophy, to me...marketing, is marketing, is marketing…
What this means is that for me, from my marketing mind’s point of view, it really doesn’t matter whether you are selling a Product, Service or Information (PSI). What successful marketing really boils down to is getting your PSI in front of;
- The right people who have the money (or insurance) to pay for what you are offering,
- Want what you have to offer,
- And are willing to pay you for it.
That’s it. And that is where we come in. that is what we do. Our role is simply to help match up the market to what you have to offer, and do it in a way that elicits positive responses from the market—in your case—New Patients.
If that is what you are truly interested in then we will work together. That is the bottom line.
We have done our chiropractic research. The bottom line here Doctor is that on a national level, the 30-day average value of a newly converted chiropractic patient is approximately $700 dollars (give or take).
Even if we only tightened up just some of your current marketing, on a worst-case scenario, all that really needs to happen for you to start getting excited about what we can do for you is for us to provide you with a single marketing idea/campaign that can help you to “squeeze” even ONE MORE NEW PATIENT out of what you are already doing on your own - and then building it from there.
Based on national averages, one new patient should provide you with an approximate $700 dollars in 30-days or so.
The fact is marketing works.
The point here is that there is nothing we can do to hurt, harm or hinder your current marketing efforts or results—we can only help enhance what you are already doing anyway.
By allowing us to work with you to fine-tune your marketing bit-by-bit, more-and-more, beginning fairly quickly and increasing over time, we will be able to continue providing more and more value to you. It’s just that simple.
So that it! That is the gist of my proposal. As I already mentioned, my proposal is very simple and straightforward. |
As a courtesy to you I have already broken down a thorough review of your worst-case-scenarios in this regard:
On a worst-case scenario you lose the equivalent of a minimum of 90-days of employee salary/wage because you get no value return for investment - that's it.
(It won’t happen that way—but that is it! That is your worst case scenario downside. You take the same risk any time you hire any staff member - in fact, hiring a staff member is even riskier as hands-on access to sensitive information is involved).
On a next-to-worst-case scenario you get 90-days of professional ad copy consulting and services from veteran marketers for a very nominal fee—normally an approximate $25,000 estimated value!
At the very least you will learn new, useable and applicable strategies about marketing that you never knew—over time this alone could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars for you.
The next worst-case scenario is you only get one-additional new patient from yours/ours combined efforts. However, (based on industry standards) this could still approximate $700 in 30-days!
The next worst-case-scenario takes into consideration any patients you get above and beyond the first new patient which increases your ROI exponentially.
Additionally, based upon your internal marketing systems you should retain each new patient longer than the first 30-days—thereby again increasing your initial (ROI) even more than the 30-day value.
Also, based upon your internal marketing systems you should be able to also obtain referrals from each new patient—thereby again exponentially increasing your initial investment yet again.
As you can plainly see our working together truly provides a winning proposition in your favor. Certainly even without us – if you put half a mind to it (and some time) you yourself would be able to increase your practice by more than one new patient per month! The point is...as a Doctor...you shouldn't have to do the marketing (and perhaps even more importantly - you shouldn't have to keep prodding the ones who are supposed to do the marketing).
As you know, two heads are always better than one – especially when one of those heads is able and willing to do what you as a Doctor shouldn't have to be doing.
Certainly over time we can help you develop a better and more consistent patient flow than what you are already seeing in your current practice.
Since it takes money to make money (no secret there), there are really only (2) options to getting started; using your own money, or using someone else’s—or OPM (Other Peoples Money).
If you use your own money, it’s simply a nominal financial outlay—no leverage options available.
The next few paragraphs deal with using OPM:
If you use OPM via a credit card—you get leveraging capabilities. This means no money out of pocket for 30-days. However, at the end of 30-days you will owe your credit card company a minimum amount of approximately 3-percent of the initial outlay which would be a very small amount indeed!
How financial leveraging works is as long as you are making more than what is going out you are doing well—the more the better.
In this particular scenario, your worst-case scenario is that you need to make at least 3% of your total initial outlay to cover hard cost for the first 30-days. Once you pay the first 3% due, it buys you another 30-days before the next payment comes due—thus (on a worst-case scenario) for only 3% of any initial outlay you get the leverage of 60-days to learn how to generate just one more new patient than you are already receiving—then building from there.
Now, I know that just one new patient over the next 30-days would easily cover the 3% which will come due—but the point is that I want you to begin to realize the difference between good debt (asset) and bad debt (liability).
From a marketing stand point I also want you to start thinking about how to better utilize and leverage what you already have available to you (refer to Napoleon Hills’ best-selling book, Think & Grow Rich, the culmination of a 20-year study of the most powerful, influential, wealthy people in the country).
Certainly, it doesn’t matter so much “how” you get started—only that you do. There have been far more riches lost to indecision than there ever was to decision-making.
Again, I assure you that working with my team and I will be one of the better decisions you have ever made—and you stand to position yourself far better for increased patients, billing and collections than you do now!
If you are still reading, but yet undecided as to if you think we are able to offer true value to you - I will assume that my proposition at least seems to have some potential for you.
However, if you are still hesitating about such a "nominal" outlay toward the opportunity of increasing the value of your practice—then perhaps this is not for you. Never-the-less, it does neither of us any good if we don’t end up working together—you don’t make more money—and I don’t make more money.
In case you are still uncertain about whether to hire us or not—let me tell you that your hiring of my team may be the best marketing decision you have ever made to date.
I would also like to remind you of some of the issues you deal with daily in your practice and that will continually plague the Chiropractic arena as a whole until you (and others like you) do something to change it.
As you know there are a lot of practice management companies out there. There are also a lot of practice consultants/personal coaches. Most of them can help with the patient conversion process—in other words; what happens/what do you do “after” someone walks through your door. However, most of them will also personally tell you that their weakness is getting someone to walk through your door in the first place—right?!
Then there are the countless marketing companies; telephone, fax, email, direct-mail etc., that can get people to walk through your door—however—many of those leads are more or less indigent and/or have absolutely no idea as to “why” or “what” they are doing at your practice in the first place—this makes for a difficult conversion to say the least.
- You have slow, down and dead times that are costing you money.
- You are thumbing through magazines or surfing the internet rather than diagnosing and treating patients—which by the way—is the only thing you can do to make money—anything else is just being busy, but not being effective.
- You don’t have the right help/staff because you don’t have the money-flow to pay for the quality of help you need to run an even more successful practice than you already have.
- You are consistently running at below-facility-potential because you don’t have the time, motivation, know-how or money to get enhanced results.
- You are good at marketing, but you are finding that it is costing you more time and money to do your own marketing than what it would to simply have access to a professional that was specifically focused exclusively on the marketing side of your practice.
- You have a great practice, good help, a great PR/marketing guy/gal, but you believe there is room for improvement.
- You are getting hounded every day; phone, mail, email, fax, walk-in salesmen who make great promises—but few deliver.
- You keep throwing a little money here and a little money there secretly hoping that one of these “things” are going to be the magic bullet—and still get varying results at best.
- You believe in multiple streams of income-and are constantly looking for that new "edge" that will produce more income in the same—or less—time.
- You are tired of riding the roller-coaster of the "feast or famine" cycle-and just want more consistent, reliable results.
You see Doctor; I really have thoroughly researched the Chiropractic arena. This research has taught me a lot!
Through our 3-year research into the chiropractic marketing arena, my team and I have the equivalent of having attended approximately 4,000 completely unique, Chiropractic marketing seminars – only better!
I have been able to profile (take a look from the inside-out) of the consistently struggling to the consistent million-dollar-per-year producers.
Not only do we know what is out there know what the real issues are for you – more importantly – we know what needs to be done to get better results!
From a marketing point-of-view the Chiropractic arena is wide-open. Depending on the area of the country you practice in, studies show that only 7.5 to 15% of the population understands Chiropractic enough to use it.
The fact is that most of the population is either mis-educated, or un-educated when it comes to Chiropractic - in fact - most think that Chiropractic is only about adjusting the spine (snap, crackle and pop).
Obviously, this is untrue and unfair for you and the scope of service/treatment you as a Chiropractor can provide—but never-the-less it is the perceived reality that you as a Chiropractor have to deal with.
This is where we come in. As professional marketers we absolutely love the fact that at least 85% of the potential Chiropractic population-base is still virtually untapped.
From a marketing perspective virtually every person in your community; old or young, healthy or not healthy, in pain or not in pain—could gain benefit from Chiropractic - if they understood the scope of what Chiropractic actually is and does.
That is precisely what marketing is all about...
Now I am not saying that you want every person in your surrounding population as a patient - because you don’t! However, the point is that there is a lot of business you are missing out on because you are not able to find, identify, inform, educate, convert and treat New Patients at the level you could be.
That being said, it is also important that I mention the value of specialty niches. Every Chiropractor is different, and every area of the country is different, providing unique marketing opportunities based upon what works best for you.
For instance, do you want to be known in your community as the referred/preferred Doctor/Facility for:
- Personal Injury
- Major Medical
- Cash-Based Practice
- Workers Comp
- Nutritional
- Multi-Disciplined
- Medical Doctor Referrals
- Attorney Referrals
- And/or any other financial/therapeutic/treatment niche you desire
- Corporate Programs
- Auto Accident care and treatment
- Back Pain
- Migraine/Headache
- Carpel tunnel
- Etc.,
The point is that through proper, consistent marketing, over time you can be branded to whatever you desire!
Be sure to give your account representative a call…truly, we are worthy of hire.
As a matter of fact, I believe that the only reason a Doctor who has either the time, or motivation to initiate the call in the first place – would even hesitate to hire us - would simply be because of a misunderstanding/misinterpretation of presented information, or because of a fear of success or fear of failure—none of which are legitimate reasons to not be getting better results in your Practice.
Because of my belief in that regard, I want to offer you (2) very legitimate reasons for you to hire us today:
- You’ve paid the price (education, time, money, effort, etc), and you deserve better than what you are receiving – and I believe we are an answer to your prayers!
- Your community needs what you have to offer! I have a Chiropractor acquaintance whose brother died because of a misdiagnosis from the medical community. It’s time that more people are made more aware of the value that Chiropractic actually has to offer! And these New Patients may as well be coming to you, rather than going elsewhere!
So give your rep a call. Let’s get started today. Currently – financially speaking – I can confidently say that this is a very limited, exclusive and time-sensitive offer you have been presented with.
You’ve heard the saying, “the proof is always in the pudding”?
Well…when it comes to marketing and whether (or not) it’s working – the strongest and most viable way to know to know for sure if it’s working is to see the actual effect.
With that said, here is a quick smattering of just some of the quality of the leads being generated…and results obtained from others using our service/s.
What Others are saying… |
"I'm ecstatic about the work Evolocity is doing for me. Not only are they innovative and proactive, but their creative is great and they've already saved me over 25% in advertising costs! I'd heartily recommend their marketing services to any chiropractor...outside my own market, of course!". Of all the marketing resources and services that I have used in the past...Evolocity is BY FAR THE BEST!!”
Steve, DC |
I am in need of a chiropractor who uses the Direct Non-Force Technique (D.N.F.T.).
Thank You!
Jeanette |
I keep having lower back pain that comes and goes. It now causes pain in my upper arms when I sleep at night, they are stiff and difficult to move and this is worse when my back is especially bothersome. I have been to my doctor, they first thought it was a kidney infection, but ruled that out, then they said it could be a inflamed ligament in my lower back. I need something to help and thought perhaps a chiropractor could but am afraid of the cracking and other noises. I also don't want to make it worse but don't want to be on meds if at all possible.
Thank You!
Jennifer |
'”I've had the opportunity to work with many interprofessional marketing consultants who have helped me to learn and express their way of doing things. With Evolocity, they have encouraged and brought out the best in me in my own way of doing things, the way that I envision my ideal practice, and have done a great job of putting that into a presentation to the public. Evolocity has given me an opportunity to have intelligent conversations about marketing and communicating with the public from a patients perspective. I have learned a lot, my practice is growing, I have great hope that with the team at Evolocity on my side, that my goals and dreams will be met. I would encourage all my colleagues to try the experience of working with a professional marketing company, it's different than what most would expect, they know and understand our market better than we do and that has created opportunity for me, and it will for you too."
“Whatever got you to venture into chiropractic, I'm glad your company did”.
Success to us both
Marshall DC |
My friend, male, is 47. He
is on a job. He is avail. 3:30 + on
Having a huge problem on right side, cant
lift arm and says his neck hurts too He is covered by Blue cross Blue shield
Kelly |
“Lisa is still raving about the referral program. Dan said, "I can't believe this is all we had to do." One patient has already referred 4 NPs”. |
I am trying to help my sister find an experienced D.C.
Thank You!
Charlene |
(You gotta love this one!)
I am currently seeing Dr. John and I am trying to find out how he stacks up against other chiropractors.
Arlynda |
Subject: Ad Campaign
Here's the recap on the ad campaign.
Last ad went out this Monday. We needed to wait an additional week to get the ad to run in Mondays Health edition.
19 calls have been generated overall.
7 are presently treating.
One additional referral came from one of the 7 that are treating, making a total of eight that have begun care.
I have 1 consultation scheduled today and another scheduled.
I am happy with the work that you have done b/c the campaign has energized my practice with a greater number patients. These will likely generate referrals. I am busier than I have been so in that regard we have been successful.
This month we have seen 26 New patients.
Last month we saw 17 New Pts.
Last week we saw 128 visits which is the highest weekly total since our highest week in 2005 when we saw 133 visits.
We have seen 496 visits this month with 49 additional appointments on the books this week (month).
Overall the Ad campaign, consistent reports to MD's and my Cox Lecture of Jan. 30 along with shifting our internal focus to maintaining existing patients, encouraging referrals and applying our "energy" to practice growth has helped.
You have been a pleasure to work with and are a true asset to your corporation; I appreciate your talent and suggestions in the marketing of my practice.
Leonard, D.C.
Doctor of Chiropractic |
I injured my back about 9 years ago, I had an mri done. The doctor told me I have 2 protruding disc in my lower back. I was told to either have surgery or live with the pain. So far I have lived with the pain which is not a constant pain, it will usually flare up a few times a year, but when it does it is tough to even get through the day and night. I was curious if you think a chiropractor would be right for me?
Joey |
EVOLOCITY Internal email communication:
Dr. Susan was ecstatic over the excellent results she received from the internal scan campaign (she said she had 9 NPs in one week alone...and indicated that there were more appts. scheduled in other weeks). |
EVOLOCITY Internal email communication:
Dr. Susan was ecstatic over the excellent results she received from the internal scan campaign (she said she had 9 NPs in one week alone...and indicated that there were more appts. scheduled in other weeks). |
Got in a car accident and need to be looked at right away.
Jami |
Is there a chiropractor that can help with Rheumatoid arthritis, and may have a procedure that will reverse it?
Thank You!
Teresa |
14 people have been scanned and 9 are currently patients. Three additional scans are scheduled.
I will call you tomorrow I want to talk about the next marketing ideas. I would like some internal and external ideas mapped out in a time frame to keep things moving and to also help me keep focused and to keep marketing/promoting on my mind.
Have a good night
Dr. William |
I had a surgery A&P repair which has left me with soft tissue ,muscle, and ligament injury. I am seeing a pelvic specialist P.T., for strengthening muscle, ligament, and soft tissues of the pelvic floor. I have been getting sciatic pain with my therapy and I am wondering if manipulation of the pelvic girdle would assist in decreasing my symptoms?
Thank You!
Paula |
I have constant pain in my neck, shoulders, upper back-then my right leg is constantly aching-sometimes it will 'give out' and sometimes it is so sore and stiff that I have to use a cane. I went to a doctor about 2 months ago-he did xrays and said there was nothing wrong-all I know is that I am in pain-I feel the pain-the leg hurts while I'm standing, walking. resting and I wake up 4 or 5 times a night because of the pain. OTC products just don't work. I live in the Thank You!
Doris |
We had a meeting with an atty today and he absolutely loved the package. Go figure? I am meeting with Kim on Wednesday, she cancelled Monday. I really don't know what to think.
Can you please send me another letter for Ken at Gold's gym. I would like to
send it out. I would like to go ahead and send that so we can get moving on the gym campaign. Any word from Cliff?
Can we talk Wednesday at 2:30 EST. If that doesn't work we can try
communicating via email. How is the letter for the M.D. going?
I will either touch base with you tomorrow at 2:30 or read your email.
Dr. M. |
I would like to find someone that is specialized in auto accidents, and st
Judi |
I have had recurring sores (itchy!) on my legs and arms ever since I've had IV antibiotics for pneumonia 17 years ago. My skin takes a long time to heal. I am allergic to a lot of the ointments I've been given. Also, I've had recurring migraine-type headaches 3 1/2 weeks lately, almost constantly, and all I was offered was an injection for that. I've had them before, and they just make me feel very dopey, without doing anything for the pain. Is there any hope for me in chiropractic? I want to feel better than I have....!
Thank You!
Wendy |
Thank You!
“24 showed up. That included 7 guests/family members. Five signed up for free consult on the spot. Letter are going out to all. One letter to confirm their appoint and the other to try to get the other in for care beside the DRX treatment”.
Dr. Brent |
I seem to be out of alignment on my right side. It’s lower than left. Had a left breast mastectomy. have chronic pain.
Joyce |
I'm looking for a Chiropractor.
Thank You!
Thierry |
This is not the only feedback from clients – in fact – it is indicative to what other clients are saying as well. Partly because I keep my client base quite small and manageable and can truly offer the complete customization needed for any particular client in any area.
There’s plenty more. But quite honestly – without giving away any of the “How-to’s” and/or “What-to-do’s” – certainly this is sufficient to demonstrate my ability to generate new leads to any facility – regardless of that facility’s location.
I invite your call to my office at: (888) 514-3118 to discuss the potential of our working together. Thank you!! |